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NO.20 Mazandarani Ave. HAFT-E-TIR SQ
is a family owned company that provides worldwide leading agricultural products and services. We supply state of the art seed lines and crop protection products that will fit the needs of every acre on your farm, to maximize yield potential and profitability. We strive to position the right product on every acre. We set standards of excellence for providing and recommending products and services that will fit your needs! To find the best agricultural products to.
Azienda produttrice e distributrice di ricambi per mietitrebbie, trattori , trinciacaricatrici semoventi. Replacement spare parts for application on Combine Harvesters ,Tractors, Forage Harvesters. Производитель и дистрибьютор взаимозамаеняемых деталей тракторов и комбайнов . La société Agri parts est spécialisée dans la production et la vente des pièces de rechanges interchangeables pour application sur les moissonneuses et les tracteurs.
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